In the Middle Years, students are encouraged to develop a growth mindset, to be curious and committed to becoming independent learners through the application and mastery of new skills and experiences. Students are encouraged to be confident, collaborative, and considerate young people, who are aware of their responsibility to both local and global issues.
Across Years 7-9 students have an opportunity to challenge and extend their skills with our Edge program.
Years 7 - Engage
Transition into Year 7 is a pivotal moment in every child’s learning journey as they stamp a new page in their P-12 educational passport. Similarly, creating ‘confident futures’ demands agility, adaptability and innovation. The Engage program gently introduces Year 7 students to a broader secondary curriculum structure.
An exciting introductory program for the Middle Years programme at The Hamilton and Alexandra College. It supports the transition from Primary into the Secondary School environment and consolidates routines for effective learning whilst building character and knowledge.
Beyond the core curriculum, students can explore a new language, and the creative and performing arts, engage in an innovative digital technology program and build and apply new skills in our outdoor education programme.
Engaged in a Concert Band program providing an opportunity to learn new brass, woodwind, string or percussion instruments.
Learning a musical instrument improves memory and brain development and assists with management and social skills while providing students with achievement and confidence.
Years 8 and 9 - Explore
Designed to assists Year 8 and 9 students to consolidate their learning whilst having more choice and freedom to investigate a range of learning areas that build character and knowledge.
The Explore program offers breadth, ignites passion, and develops skills as students explore new subjects.
- Year 8 students continue with LOTE and choose 4 electives
- Year 9 students choose 6 electives.
Students in Year 8 must choose at least one visual arts, one performing arts and one design technology & digital technologies subject in their program over the next two years.
Explore offers a blend of practical, vocation orientated pathway subjects, as well as the opportunity to explore the Visual and Performing Arts, Technology, Sport and Outdoor Education, Agriculture, Equine, Literature and Business Management.
The Edge Program
The Edge is a three-year program designed to extend and challenge able students to build the skills and knowledge required to become lifelong learners.
The Edge promotes bespoke programs for students that demonstrate high academic achievement and social and emotional intelligence.
Students are encouraged to extend their literacy and numeracy skills alongside the core curriculum, as well as develop the skills of collaboration, creative thinking, problem solving and communication. High challenges and failure will be experienced throughout the program.
The Edge program is offered to Year 7, 8 and 9 students by application with a comprehensive selection process will be conducted in Term Four to identify high potential students.
It is an expectation that students participating in The Edge are also involved in all aspects of college life. Our Co-Curricular program includes a range of Summer and Winter sports, an Outdoor Education program, an extensive instrumental music/choral program, and a dramatic arts program. Students also have an opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh program.