The Hamilton and Alexandra College is an aspirational, regional community
where everyone is known, valued and challenged.
Knowing each and every student, their interests, goals, areas for development
and overall wellbeing is our number one priority.
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care system at College is made up of four Houses – Berry (red), Laidlaw (blue), Learmonth (gold) and Young (green).
Your House becomes your school family, with House and mentor meetings starting off each school day. Every student has a House mentor and Head of House, the Head of Middle Years and Senior Years and Deputy Principal Wellbeing all to them for support and direction.
At College, the staff work in partnership with families to achieve the best possible outcome for every student.
House Mentors
We seek to develop close relationships with families, through the House Mentors, who see their Mentees most mornings to act as advocates for each child in their care.
The Mentor is the first point of contact for parents and will work in close connection with the teachers to make sure your child is settled and enjoying their learning journey.
They ‘walk the second mile’ to make sure their mentees are looked after and grow under their care.
This relationship is vital and special. Middle Years students are closely monitored through the College’s wellbeing and academic programs.
Academic growth is tracked, and individual needs are monitored through regular assessment and online progress reporting.
Good health and wellbeing are at the heart of all facets of children’s experiences at The Hamilton and Alexandra College: academic, sporting, cultural, community engagement, and pastoral care. We seek to develop students in a holistic way, with a strong focus on wellbeing.
Wellbeing permeates our teaching programs. The explicit teaching is delivered in Wellbeing classes. Students are taught skills to enable them to thrive and flourish throughout their lives.
Support Resources
The wellbeing of our whole school community is our priority.
In times of uncertainty, people can feel heightened stress and anxiety. This is true for all family members – parents and children. There are a number of websites listed below which are easy to use and have great resources to help us manage the stress levels at home or seek further advice if you are feeling overwhelmed. We will measure our success by how our young women and men serve their community now, and throughout their lives. We encourage you to click and visit the folllowing pages.